Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
[diary]: (大型)中學同學聚
2007年7月18日 晚上8:30 銅鑼灣泉章居
提起一年一度中學同學聚會 總會想起那些電影情節
幸而電影終歸是電影 我信現實不是罕有但慶幸没有遇上
只是還擔心没有話題只有表面寒暄 想過不能出席也就没有甚麼大不了
看見熟悉的人談起熟悉的事 發覺大家倒是老樣子
雖然友情也許不像從前 一起成長的可愛的可笑的記憶 好想每年也被喚起最少一次
Labels: diary
Thursday, July 19, 2007
[art]: Philip Guston
上一堂陳育強先生和我們分享創作經驗,他看過我的畫後,覺得我是傾向於 direct painting,建議我看看有關artists的書和畫。
Philip Custon
Cy Twombly
Joan Mitchell
Willem De Knooning
雖然說不上很喜歡他們的創作,不過 Philip Custon 的文字,對我來說有一種很 "中" 的感覺,好像說出了我一早想說,卻又不能組織好怎樣說的想法。
Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see. I don't know what a painting is; who knows what sets off even the desire to paint? It might be things, thoughts, a memory, sensations, which have nothing to do directly with painting itself. They can come from anything and anywhere.
There are days when in a kind of half-awake state ...... I don't myself know what is where - nothing to do with separate pictures anymore but a sort of confused swarm where everything can become everything else - in a split second. I "panic" and hate it and desire it to stop fully as much as I love and need it and want to continue endlessly.
My work must be demanding for a spectator, but what can I do? I think there's some law at work - an invisible law - that means you can only accept certain things at a certain time - so that if you're working to please yourself or catering to yourself, why should you cater to a looker or art critic? Why should you meet their expectations? If I destroy my own expectations, why should I worry about others' expectations?
Philip Custon
Cy Twombly
Joan Mitchell
Willem De Knooning
雖然說不上很喜歡他們的創作,不過 Philip Custon 的文字,對我來說有一種很 "中" 的感覺,好像說出了我一早想說,卻又不能組織好怎樣說的想法。
Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see. I don't know what a painting is; who knows what sets off even the desire to paint? It might be things, thoughts, a memory, sensations, which have nothing to do directly with painting itself. They can come from anything and anywhere.
There are days when in a kind of half-awake state ...... I don't myself know what is where - nothing to do with separate pictures anymore but a sort of confused swarm where everything can become everything else - in a split second. I "panic" and hate it and desire it to stop fully as much as I love and need it and want to continue endlessly.
My work must be demanding for a spectator, but what can I do? I think there's some law at work - an invisible law - that means you can only accept certain things at a certain time - so that if you're working to please yourself or catering to yourself, why should you cater to a looker or art critic? Why should you meet their expectations? If I destroy my own expectations, why should I worry about others' expectations?
Labels: art
Sunday, July 15, 2007
[movie]: Little Miss Sunshine
因為之前聽過朋友的極力推介,所以等不及 vcd 跌價就買了回家看。一看之下,才發現這是一套頗 "騎呢"的片子。一家六口個個奇形怪狀,為著家中幼女參加 "陽光小小姐"的選美比賽而一家人向加洲出發。最重要是,七歲女兒奧妮不是天生麗質,更不是嬌小可愛,所以感覺越看越怪。但幸好戲中不乏令人發笑之處,也就繼續看下去。
不過,我最欣賞的是戲中描寫每個人碰到的煩惱。有預計到的,有突如其來的,有小事一棒,有生離死別。這就是生命的無常,這就是人生,就如戲中提到 "he looks back and he decides that all the years he suffered -- those were the best years of his life. Because they made him who he was. They forced him to think and grow, and to feel very deeply."
不過,雖然知道道理,但這都是通常在苦盡甘來才可說的話。未知的 suffer,你又有没有勇氣去自告奮勇深入虎穴?
不過,我最欣賞的是戲中描寫每個人碰到的煩惱。有預計到的,有突如其來的,有小事一棒,有生離死別。這就是生命的無常,這就是人生,就如戲中提到 "he looks back and he decides that all the years he suffered -- those were the best years of his life. Because they made him who he was. They forced him to think and grow, and to feel very deeply."
不過,雖然知道道理,但這都是通常在苦盡甘來才可說的話。未知的 suffer,你又有没有勇氣去自告奮勇深入虎穴?
Labels: movie
Monday, July 02, 2007
[art]: Graduation Project A - Final Critique
完成了 Project A,即時有鬆一口氣的感覺。不過,project B 又來了。不知不覺,已經是最後一個course,對於這個集兩年以來所學的總結,感到有點壓力。當然,我是充滿熱忱的,但來到這個時候,有點迷惘,一切好像來得太快了......
雖然我知道,香港人,很多時候就是要被「迫」,才可發揮出她潛在的才華。但是,在這個未知的過程中,我的不安好像超過了我的期待。希望,這些感覺只是我在處於短暫的「畢業前恐懼症」吧! 我知道,就算我清楚自己不是藝術天份高的人。不過,每個人就是不同的,只要發揮出她自己所獨有的「那兒」,就是最好的藝術。
看看 project A 的 final critique 和我的作品
雖然我知道,香港人,很多時候就是要被「迫」,才可發揮出她潛在的才華。但是,在這個未知的過程中,我的不安好像超過了我的期待。希望,這些感覺只是我在處於短暫的「畢業前恐懼症」吧! 我知道,就算我清楚自己不是藝術天份高的人。不過,每個人就是不同的,只要發揮出她自己所獨有的「那兒」,就是最好的藝術。
看看 project A 的 final critique 和我的作品
Labels: art