Monday, June 26, 2006

[art] - drawing || - final

From my workplace to the world......

一直以來,我從來没有想過我的職業是一種profession。當然,每逢工作表現被受認同的時候,我也會有成就感。但有時候我想,每天營營役役的工作,為的是乎合老闆的要求。這樣將人生三分之二的時間放在工作上,其實對我的生命來說,又有甚麼意義呢﹖這次,我從我的workplace作原點,用我每天工作慣常對著的computer programming language,去為我自己寫program。由 is happy now 圍繞著自己當前開始,去到 is happy life 思索自己人生,再到 is happy world 走向世界。第一次,我這樣認真地對待自己的profession,用programming去表達自己的所思所想。

Comments from my teacher Louise...

The work is exciting! This way to present your stand point about "happy" arouses imagination, hope that you now understand the different between visual/conceptual art and writing. Contemporary arts allow you to convey an idea with any familiar method of yourself as long as it can arouse thinking. A successful piece of art link up "thought", your work is in a sense very poetic - a program is a command, is totally rational but you use it in a sentimental way. To apply it's nature to the human emotion is contradicting(I am sure you have difficulty in defining true or false), this contradiction is just so good in questioning our choice, our sense of morality as human being(often there's grey area or even black becomes white, white becomes black in the twisting mind of human being). It would be a powerful work if you spend time to keep on developing it. Write a program once there's a new idea....that becomes a way to let you think and analyze more. Hope that I can see your work someday somewhere!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

[art]: final work - in progress



和 zoe 談到,大家也為近排的功課煩惱,言談間她不小心說了一句,"其實係咪都唔洗咁咩既 (意思指咁搏命),最重要都係過到自己個關姐...",然後大家呆了三秒也不約而同地大笑起來。因為,藝術對於藝術家來說,正正不就是自己那一關最難過嗎?
