Sunday, June 24, 2007

[movie]: 我要成名

因為劉青雲,因為金像奬,我才知道有 <<我要成名>> 這套電影。今日閒在家中 (其實是很忙的在趕功課,但又有點懶),所以就想著看看 vcd 吧。可能,因為戲名和 <<我要做 model>> 實在太似,一心以為只是一套 "笑" 片罷 。但心想,最佳男主角的電影也不會太差....haha..所以我便滿懷好奇的心情........


劉青雲當然未像戲中的主角般霉倒,但在電影圈多年最終憑這套戲得到最佳男主角,相信是<<我要成名>> 最美滿的結局。

Thursday, June 14, 2007

[art]: Marlene Dumas

"The aim of Art has always been the same it is to make you forget your own name." - Marlene Dumas

去日本之前上網找美術館的資料,看到東京都現代美術館剛巧有主題展覽 (Marlene Dumas - Broken White),就跑去看看了。其實之前我完全不認識這個 artist,之後才知原來她頗有名的,回來後阿sir還在堂上介紹她呢!

說回她的畫,感覺很直接,很真實。真實不是指像真,而是那種憑藝術家的直覺畫出來的真實。雖然有些畫也不是太喜歡 (可能是太簡化) 吧! 不過很喜歡這一幅 :


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

[diary]: Painting, at this stage

thinking at this moment......23:05, 5 June 2007

Looking back, after studying fine art for almost two years, my drawing and painting skills haven't improved much. A shame or not? I don't know.
However, painting to me, is very different, and ever changing.
In the beginning of the class, I just want to draw or paint as realistic as it should be, or to develop an unique style which appears special to others.
Then, I soon to explore what subject I am interested in and what feeling I want to express.
Later, I learnt that I have indeed missed the process of painting, and the paint itself.
I tried to enjoy the process of being fully indulged in.
And, I discover, every detail that involved in the act of paint, is truly important.
Mixing of colors, medium, brush stroke,....all are decisions.
Give or take, solid or soft, thick or thin, cold or warm, deep or shallow,

millions of choices, millions of decisions,
yet some may be rational, intentional, while some are just spontaneous, accidental and even being unaware of,
some are certain, some like trials......
No matter the final outcome is "good" or not, every work of painting marks something.
That "something", represent "something" about you at that moment, which you could not deny or conceal.

This suddenly made me recall a film - The Hours


Monday, June 04, 2007

[diary]: Man of la Tiger 主題曲



