Saturday, May 31, 2008

[art]: The silent waiting

The silent waiting, 2008, oil on canvas, 90 x 120 cm

Living in a fast-moving city, the faster we act, the longer and harder we feel while we are waiting. Everyday, I spend time on waiting for lift, waiting for bus to work, waiting for leaving the office, waiting for bus to go home. When I am waiting for bus, I see others are waiting also. When I am on the bus and passing through the bus stops, I see others are waiting also. It is a common experience for many of us living in a city, yet we usually do not realize.

Many people, include me, are impatient while waiting. However, when I put myself out of the waiting situation, somehow, I feel the scene of waiting attract me so much. The motionless silence creates a sense of poetry and another beauty of the city. I appreciate the slight silent sensation in such a hustling city, which they are contrary to each other and coexist in the same scene.


This is my first art work created in CKWL. To myself, I found something out of my expectation before which I enjoyed very much, yet somehow this work is not a very complete one. Keep painting.


Monday, May 19, 2008

[Art Reacting Thought]: 任性


"你太任性啦! 剩係識得顧住自己,完全冇理其他人既感受......"
"佢成個大小姐咁,真係任性 ......"

我絕對不是一個任性的人 (請注意我不是在稱讚自己),不過,自從學習藝術後,我會讓自己在繪畫上任性一下。任性,從字面上看,就是任由自己的性情而行。在畫畫的過程中,我會隨性而作筆,一時間跟著直覺去做很大的改動。有時候,結果令人喜出望外,就似是有著神來之筆。但有很多時,都是不甚滿意。不過,油畫的特別之處,就是可以塗上一層又一層。所以,我會靜待表層乾了之後,再動手。雖然,在蓋上多一層的時候並不會完全覆蓋下一層的 "錯誤"。然而,就是多層交叠後的效果更感覺豐富、實在。


我寫的是繪畫,那人生呢? 給Z,我支持你。
